Our Residents
Our mission is for residents to feel settled, part of a community and secure in a place they can call home for years to come.
Long-term Member of our Community
Mutual Trust and Transparency
Get things Right First Time
Open and Hones Communication
Community Engagement
Sustainable Delivery
Duty of Care
Exceptional Resident Service

The Verdant Resident app sits at the heart of our resident’s journey with us. Whether it’s keeping track of documents whilst securing a home, booking a repair or hiring a Zip car, the app is the hub of the Verdant community. It also measures data and performance, which in turn enhances our resident experience -delivering a service that exceeds the norm and expectations.
The ResidentApp will support Tenants with:
E-Sign documents
Receiving statements
Emergency contacts
Booking repairs
Hiring a vehicle
Cleaning services
Finding available Verdant homes
Community events
News & updates
Local information
Contact information
Help & advice
Appliance user manuals